Home > Why Window and Door Screens Are Necessary

Why Window and Door Screens Are Necessary

Some people might question the necessity behind window and screen doors, but something so small has a huge impact on your home. We believe it is important to examine just how much value window and door screens can provide to you and your home.

  1. Keeping Animals and Insects Out

One of the simplest benefits of screens is their ability to keep out most animals and insects. If you enjoy keeping your windows and doors open for air circulation and temperature control, a screen can be a necessity. Pests will try to enter your home from any opening and giving them an entire window to crawl through will make things much easier on them. Although they will not be able to keep every pest out, having a screen can go a long way in preventing most from gaining access to your home. Mosquitoes, flies, and cockroaches can carry dozens of pathogens into your home, putting your family at risk of disease. Bees and wasps can also sting you, proving to be a danger to anyone who is allergic.

  1. Keeping Animals In

As effective as screens are for keeping animals and insects out of your home, they are just as effective at keeping them inside. Curious cats and dogs might climb out your open window or walk out your door if there is nothing to stop them. Protect your pets and prevent them from chasing after the animals outside by installing screens in your windows and doors.

  1. Filtering Out Dust and Dirt

Pests are not the only things that will try to enter your home when your windows are open. Allergens like pollen, dirt, and dust can enter your home when your windows are open. With screens protecting your window, many of these allergens will be filtered out and trapped within the screen itself. This is helpful even if you do not regularly open your windows. Having your screen capture dust and dirt will keep your window exteriors cleaner for longer, meaning you will not have to wash your windows as regularly as you would without screens.

  1. Filtering UV Rays

Certain types of screens are better able to filter out light than other screens. This can be great for letting in less light in your living room so you can watch television without a glare. Allow more light into your kitchen for a picturesque morning breakfast. Different types of screens allow you to pick and choose how much natural light you will allow into each room.

  1. Protecting Against Weather

Screens can protect your windows from damage caused by the weather. During rainstorms, screens can prevent most water from getting through and hitting your window. This will mean less water will pool up around your window and your chances of suffering from water damage will decrease greatly. They are also great during hailstorms, as screens can bounce many sizes of hail off without suffering damage, unlike many windows.

  1. Saving Money

Window and door screens are also great for saving you money in the spring and summer. Keep your doors and windows open to let in cool breezes so you do not have to keep the air conditioning running all the time. Some screens are even able to prevent excessive solar heat from raising the temperature in your home. This means that even when you do have to run the air conditioner, your air conditioning unit will not have to work as hard to cool your home down as it would without these screens.

  1. Discouraging Would-be Thieves

Most thieves are looking for the easiest targets they can hit. It may not seem like much, but something as simple as screens on your windows can discourage someone from breaking into your house. The added hassle of destroying or removing the screen can be just enough to convince a thief that they should move on and look for an easier home to hit. A home without screens has nothing but the window locks to protect you from someone gaining entry. It is also possible to find screens made of coated steel instead of the usual aluminum or fiberglass materials. Coated steel screens are stronger and more resistant to being cut or torn by someone attempting to force entry.

  1. Making a Good Impression

Aside from their practical functions, screens also add curb appeal to your home. If you decide to sell your home, one of the first things people will notice are your screens. If your screens are non-existent or damaged, future buyers may worry about what other parts of your home have not been kept in working order.

The benefits of window and door screens go on and on. We hope these few examples show you just how important window and door screens can be in a home. Whether you choose to install screens to keep out bugs or discourage thieves, we have everything you need for a successful installation. If you have any questions about screens or the equipment you will need to fix or replace your screens, please feel free to reach out to us.